Billie Holiday The Complete Commodore Recordings Rar Download
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This double-disc issued by Jazz Factory almost completely mirrors the United States issue of the same material entitled, officially issued by Universal in 1997. There are 45 cuts spread across them. The material was recorded in 1939 and 1944.
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The original 78 that was 'Strange Fruit' b/w 'Fine and Mellow,' was released by because Columbia's refused to record the song. Was under contract to the label at the time, but loosed the reins a bit and allowed her the leeway to cut it for Commodore. There are two other sides cut in 1939, and the remainder of these tunes were taped during sessions in 1944 with backed by the. The material is exactly the same on both collections, but the running order is different, and this one is preferable because it breaks up the different takes chronologically rather than putting them in simple historical order. Either way you go you can't lose, since these are top-notch performances at the very peak of 's power as an artist.