How To Patch Navcore 9540
Xxl iq bootloader 55274 navcore 9540 mapa europa 1011 8978 find and download. Service manual,lexus repair manual rx,lg 42lc55 42lc55 za lcd tv service. Jun 18, 2013 Patch Navcore TT Muchos mas contenidos en: Suscribete y dale a LIKE!
Hello everyone Today I got a TomTom start, I'm trying to install the latest 980 maps but sadly when I run them on my TomTom I get the error 'These maps are not compatible with your navigation-system'. Device info: ttgo.bif: DeviceName=TomTom START DeviceVersionHW=START DeviceSerialNumber=*********** BootLoaderVersion=55282 ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=9540 ApplicationVersion=1497205.2 CurrentMap= CurrentMapVersion=0.0 ttnavigator.bif: DeviceName=TomTom START DeviceVersionHW=START DeviceSerialNumber=XOxxxxxxxxxx BootLoaderVersion=10012 ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=9540 ApplicationVersion=1497205.999 CurrentMap= CurrentMapVersion=0.0 Map(s): D: Benelux_980_7895 D: Benelux_980_7898 I'm using the latest FastActivate, and try to follow the tutorials but sadly without any results. The maps seem to work fine in the TomTom-Home Application (manage device from there), but as soon as I disconnect my TomTom and try to start it up, it tells me to chose a map and gives me the error. I'm not really sure which maps to download, or what to do next: as the device now is unusable, sadly.

I couldn't find much more info here on the forum, I follow the tutorials and try my best to understand the compatibility charts. Thanks in advance Kindest regards offline Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:16 pm Posts: 2 Has thanked: 0 time Been thanked: 0 time. 1) Make a backup of your Device and delete the map. -- Copie the chosen map (Benelux_980_7895) to your Device in his own folder. If you open the map you see the loose files and probably a folder (brand).
Not a map in a map. (you can delete the cspeech files) -- 2) Copy 'FastActivate.exe' to your TomTom device in the root Run 'FastActivate.exe'. Select 2 and 3 Wait for the announcement navcore Patched. Done ==== Look at the chart Horizontal the navcores In your case the 9.540 so the 9.5xx Then vertical the Green Y (navcore you use) To the left, the maps wich can be used with the navcore To the right wich features the map have. Those features only have use if your device supports them. I.e the One,XL,Start has no microphone so a map wich support it (cspeech files) is not useful (but if there is no suitable map you can alway,s use one with features i.e. Mpls vpn fundamentals pdf.
Cspeech files) At least there must be a META for the map. So NO META the map has NO USE at all. ================================= Post 1 online Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:30 am Posts: 1683 Has thanked: times Been thanked: times.