Indikatori Lua Dlya Quik
Jan 16, 2015 - dlya-vodoprovoda-vidi-i. Moonwalkers – Rumo a Lua Dublado Online Em 1969 o homem esta.
Well, I finally got around to adding the phoots and 'bio' on these lovely new additions, but they are not so small now, still they are calves I guess. I had to get in the pen to get some close up photos, and I am a bit new to all this. Mohini wasn't too friendly, at least to me, she wanted me out I think as quick as possible, she kept giving me a butt, and even pinned me against the gate, and she's really strong, I felt that, Ouch! Still all good fun, getting a bit mucky. The others were quite okay with me.
Mukunda is quite docile she just sat there looking rather disinterested. I was glad she looks huge, if I had two of them chasing me out, then I would have been in trouble! Kak najti pahovuyu venu la.
Maybe their Mums told them not to talk to strangers. Radhakunda and Jiva Priya are cool, Jiva Priya is just curious, he's a but younger too. Radhakunda was too busy eating, but I will 'approach with caution' in future anyway. They are all very beautiful.
They have slightly different shapes on the forehead, if you look closely you can see, they are quite disctinctive, which is really far out, I always wondered how it is that people look so different, and you see the same with animals I forgot to mention, today is Mukunda's birthday, I don't know if anyoen go her anything! Maybe she had some extra hay.

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