Java Home Path Catia V6
Oui j'ai deja fait ca, mais apres sur le torrent que j'ai telecharge je dois faire qqch pour lancer catia et c'est cette partie que je comprends pas.To run CATIA V6R2009 you have to point so called Provider Data Source. It may be 3D XML, Enovia or Smart Team databases.
For example (choosing 3D XML) press More->Add and choose this path: Installation Folder intel_a resources 3DXMLModels Sample.3dxml choosing at the same time Connection Type as the '3DXML'. Voila ce que je ne comprends pas.
Q VPro V6 q VPro V8 q VPro V10 q VPro V12. CATIA Infrastructure Installation. Q Mozilla 1.4 a Java plug-in is necessary for access to the Documentation. -DirCATIAV4: specifies CATIA V4 path for administrator home directory.