Playmobil Alex Builds His Farm Download Game
Playmobil interactive is now defunct, and when it disappeared so did any official mention of Ubisoft’s connection with this game (The same goes for the two other Playmobil interactive titles– Alex Builds His Farm and Laura’s Happy Adventures– but those are a little too simple to LP, sorry). Metacritic Game Reviews, Alex Builds His Farm for PC. Alex Builds His Farm PC. Publisher: Playmobil Interactive; Release Date: 1999. Summary; Critic.

Description Alex Builds His Farm is a game based on the world of the Playmobil franchise where the boy Alex wants to become a farmer. In a 3D world, he can participate in different activities such as constructing a farm by copying the shapes and colours of a model, scare away the crows in a wheat labyrinth, help Mrs.
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Duck find her ducklings on the lake, race his dog Oscar, collect eggs in the henhouse, and more. Each building holds different activities and Alex can also walk around to talk to other characters such as his parents, grandparents, Oscar the dog and his sister Sarah. Alex can win up to three certificates (ranging from Good Farmer to The Best Farmer) and print these afterwards. He also carries The Big Farming Book that tracks the progress of the different activities and offers additional information.