Cl studio torrent. P38 Presentation Grade P38 includes French-Fitted, Velvet Lined, Walnut Presentation Case serially numbered to match the P38, with serial numbered Knights Cross and Owner’s Manual matching the P-38 serial number.

OK, got back from range for first paper. This shoots GREAT. I can compare it to my CZ82 that I already was happy with and this shoots on par if not slightly better. Soft recoil, no snappiness. Only 8 rounds but at the range to keep the gun barrel cool, we usually shoot 5 at a time and reload or change guns anyway. This is bigger and a longer barrel than the CZ but shooting 9mm Luger is a plus.

My Cz will still be the one that is in the safe in the bedroom though. I'd still agree with others to get both and the CZ first cause of the Mag limit coming but I'm ecstatic with how it shoots right now, time will tell though. They replaced the barrel after one year? I've got no clue.


I don't know if the date on the slide is original to the frame or what. I don't know if they date the slide when the slide is made then its put on the frame or what. I don't know if it was built in 82 then reworked in 83 or built in 70's then reworked in 83 with an 82 slide.

(one of the things I was hoping someone could answer here). You can see it the barrel has some wear on the outside but the inside is really clean and the lands all the way to the muzzle is sharp so someone took care of this or these are well built. Well, I got an expert opinion on the P1 from the Walther forums. Basically, the serial number on my P1 is dated back to the 50s. So this gun he says likely went through a number of reworks and upgrades at the arsenal. Barrel, frame, slide would have all been replaced as the characteristics don't match a 50s era P1.

There may not even be any original parts left other than the serial number itself. So it's all matching but rearsinaled/upgraded/reworked and then spent some time in service before being decommissioned.

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Walther serial number chart

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